The Shack By William Paul Young

Posted by: Best Sellers Class / Category:

It was a cold night and Mackenzie was sitting on the leaving room drinking hot cider. He looked out the window and saw how everything was covered in snow and how the water drops turned into ice just when they touched the ground. His wife Nan who work in the hospital with patients with cancer, called him and told her that she wasn't coming home that night because of the bad weather. Before this Mack went out to check the mail, he received an invitation saying that he was invited to the shack, but something that surprised him was that it didn't have a stamp or an address, and it also said it was send by papa.

Mack has five children, two of them girls; Jon, Tyler, Missy, Kate, and Josh. Missy was the youngest one with only five years old.

The relationship with Mack and his children is special, he was very close to each one of them, but like any normal parent he had his special children; Missy, he had a special feeling for her, and he though it was normal because she was the baby of the house.


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