John meets Savannah

Posted by: Best Sellers Class / Category:

While John was enjoying the sunset at the beach, he saw a groups of college students hanging out, then somehow while they [students] joke around a girl's purse got kicked out into the sea and they couldn't do anything to go and get it, when John saw how worried this girl was and how she said that she had important stuff on her purse and that her money was also in there; since he is a good surfer, quickly he went and got the purse for her. Minutes later after he gives this girl her purse he describes how he had never seen a girl like this before, her name was Savannah and she was 21 years old, she invites him to a beach party to thank him for what he had done for her. They talk for a long time; about their lives and what their goals are, John and Savannah become good friends.

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Dear John By: Nicholas Sparks

Posted by: Best Sellers Class / Category:

John Tyree was born in 1977 and grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina. In the first chapter he talks about how his dad and him are totally two different people. Unfortunately their relationship is not the best in the world, every time they try to have a conversation they end up arguing and never get to the point they want to get. When John grows up he realizes how he could have had a better relationship if he wanted to, it was just that he was a teenager and things weren't working out the was he wanted them to and peers also pressure him. He also describes how he was a player in high school and never took girls serious.

After high school he decided to join the military; he though that this would give him the confidence and make him a better person. His dad wrote him letters every once in a month saying how things had changed since he left.

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Bruno Tells A Reasonable Lie

Posted by: Best Sellers Class / Category:

One day while Bruno was talking to his sister in his bedroom; which was something that they didn't usually did, he said to her that he wished to be with Shmuel, but Gretel didn't really heard the last part of the sentence and she asked him who he wished he was with. Since Bruno knew that he wasn't allowed to get near the fence he decided to not tell everyone about his new friend he had. He told Gretel that she heard wrong and that he didn't said anything, but later he tells her that it's his imaginary friend that he wanted to be with. Bruno tells her how he looks like and how he plays with him everyday.
One day later while Bruno was reading a book in the living room, Kotler (soldier) walked in and was asking Bruno about what the book was about. Kotler and Bruno's mother went into his father's office to talk in 'privacy'. When Bruno walked into the kitchen he saw Shmuel polishing the silverware for the surprised party his mom was having, Bruno was excited to have Shmuel in his house, but he wondered why was he doing that, Bruno opened the fridge and tried to reach for something to eat, and when he did that Shmuel looked at him and Bruno offered a piece of chicken right away, at this time Shmuel started crying, he really wanted to eat it, but he was afraid that Kotler was coming back and he wasn't supposed to eat anything or even talk to anyone. When Kotler came back Shmuel had finished the piece of chicken Bruno had gave him, Bruno didn't understood what was happening, he didn't see anything wrong with talking with his new friend or giving him food. Kotler sent Bruno back to the living room and took Shmuel back to the camp. Since that day Bruno kept going back to look for Shmuel, but somehow he was never there. After a week he saw him again and he had a black eye.

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Bruno sees shamuel for the first time

Posted by: Best Sellers Class / Category:

Since there wasn't anything fun for Bruno to do in With-Out, he decided to go out and play a game that he used to play back at his old house in Berlin; he like to explore things that he had never seen before. He started walking towards the fence, even though he knew that his parents didn't allowed him to get near it, he kept walking for hours, and he could still see the fence that kept on going to a long distance, hours later while he walked he saw a small dot far away that appeared to be in the other side of the fence. For a minute he though that this could have been an hallucination like in movies where people that walk for hours in the desert saw, as he got closer to it he saw a small boy wearing the striped pajamas just like all the others in that side of the fence, he was around the same age as Bruno, he was tiny and his skin color wasn't as normal as it should be; it appeared grayish, Bruno thought that he probably was starving because of the look on the kid's face. They said hi to each other, this will be the beginning of Bruno's journey.

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